Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

I am starting to feel like a yo-yo.

I know why my weight went up this week. It wasn't that I didn't work-out this week; I had done two lunch time ride (10 miles each), ran two mornings (3 miles each), and went on a hike (2 miles). It wasn't what I ate; I didn't hit the sweets (like my sisters) and I ate alot of fish and veggies. The reason I gained weight this week can be summed up in one word, BEER.

The last month I've been beer free. I had given it up for lent (which is kind of funny that I still do this, even though I am a lapsed Catholic), but on Sunday (Easter, the end of lent) I hit the beer hard (I also hit it pretty hard Monday and Tuesday). I'm usually not a heavy beer drinker (a six pack usually last me a couple of weeks), but their is something about wanting what you can't have, and over indulging when you can finally have it again.

Next week I expect to do better.

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