Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday (Belated)

Today was the end of the "Weight Loss Challenge" at work. If you participated in the challenge, kept a food diary, and lost a total of 6 pounds (over 3 months) you won $25.

Today I had my final weigh in. In late January my weight was 281lbs. Today I weighed in at 263lbs. A total loss of 18lbs (6lbs in February, 5 lbs in March, and 7lbs in April).

They plan on starting it back up in June, and I plan on joining again. I plan on getting down to 210lbs, and if someone wants to give me money for doing it, I can't complain about that.


peepnroosmom said...

So what are you and John going to eat for lunch today with your $25.00?

Labrador121 said...

No, I am stuck at my office, and I haven't gotten the money yet(they are going to mail the money to me). When I get it, we will probably go to Chow Baby.

jenn said...

You are just wrong!
Do you know how long it has been since I have been to Chow Baby? Three and a half years. Years I say! And you and John go All. The. Time!