Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

Weight 264.8 lbs
Fat 40.1% Body Fat

I knew I hadn't lost as much as the scale said last week. Do you know why I knew? Because I haven't done squat. Since last weigh in, the only thing I've done is a 4 mile hike at West Palisades (it is more of a stroll on a paved path).

It has been raining most of the time during the last two weeks and I don't like being cold and wet. So I've been sitting on my couch, eating everything in the house. I am looking to get a treadmill or spinner bike so I can exercise when it's raining, but everyone is trying to talk me out of it. They feel we need many more months of this wet weather, and if I buy a treadmill or spinner bike, the rain will stop. They think this because scientists (and Al Gore) have determined that my activities have a direct correlation to the weather (i.e. I want to go hiking - it rains, I buy sunglasses - it gets cloudy, I wash my car - it rains, I try to go boating - it is so dry, the lake is dry, etc...).

I hope the sun comes out soon, or I'll start gaining back all the weight I lost so far.


peepnroosmom said...

I hope the sun comes back out soon or everything in my yard is going to mold!

Pat said...

So where is April 8?