Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

42.7% Fat

See what happens when it doesn't rain. Since last weigh in, I have ridden the bike for 35 miles (2 ten mile and 2 seven and a half mile rides), ran 5 miles ( 1 three mile and 1 two mile runs) and hiked 10 miles ( a 5 mile Sweetwater hike, a 4 mile CheathamHill/Burnt Hickory hike, and a 1 mile hike with my bike when my tire blew).

The only problem I see in the near future is that I restocked the candy dish on my desk with Peanut M&Ms.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Take heart! The protein in the peanuts outweigh the chocolate!