Friday, December 25, 2009

The Story of Simon

Recently I’ve been in touch with friends from my Coast Guard days (Facebook). Because of this, I’ve been called a name I haven’t heard in a while, Simon. When I was in the coast Guard I went by Simon. Simon is not my first or middle name. It was my nickname.

I got the nickname when I was stationed in New York. A bunch of friends and I were sitting around drinking. We started going around say who each other look like. When it came to me, they said I looked like Simon LeBon and/or Simon the chipmunk (round glasses and all). They started calling me Simon, and as new people joined us they thought my name was Simon. My friends thought it was funny and kept calling me Simon. Thus I became Simon.

For the four years I was in the Coast Guard I was call Simon. Even my family called me Simon. I didn’t go back to my real name till I returned to civilian life.

I wish all my readers a Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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