Sunday, December 27, 2009

No Hunting

During my recent sojourn to Alabama on the Silver Comet trail, I came across a No Hunting sign along the side of the trail. This got me wondering, is there a problem with cyclist riding around with rifles and shotguns strapped to their backs. And, if there is, how do you tie down a deer to a Schwinn. The other thing I started to think was what if the sign was trying to tell hunters not to shoot cyclists. The trail does run through rural Georgia, so you could get hunted down for wearing spandex.

A piece of advice, if you are going to ride in the rural south, invest in a Dale Earnhardt Sr cycling jersey. It will minimize the amount of empty beer cans that are thrown at you. This philosophy will work in the inner-city also (but not with a Earnhardt jersey). Invest in a Michael Jordan cycling jersey, and it will minimize the amount of empty malt liquor cans are thrown at you.

Happy cycling, and be safe out there.

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