Thursday, December 24, 2009

I Rode Kennesaw Mountain - Twice

I rode up Kennesaw Mountain twice yesterday, and almost puked both times. It has been a while since I've done any hill work. I really haven't ridden hard for a while. Even the 30 mile Silver Comet ride from Graves Rd to Alabama and back was not hard (it sucked, but was not hard).

It started out the same as it always does, within 200 yards of starting I was in the smallest gear; and huffing and puffing. My Heart Rate (HR) was in the mid 160 range (that is above 90% of my Max HR). I was tired and nauseous when I got to the top.

Going down is a blast. The only problem is that their is a 25 MPH speed limit. This means you have to ride the brakes. The minute you let them go, you are over 30 mph. Even with the speed limit it was still fun.

You would think that after being so tired and nauseous I would not try it again, but I have the attention span of a gnat. The old saying "Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome." applies here. Once again HR above 90% max, tired, and nauseous.

Even though I have not enjoyed climbing Kennesaw Mountain, nor have I ever enjoyed it, I have made it a 2010 goal to be able to climb it 4 times. Like it says, "Stupid".

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