Monday, December 7, 2009

Back at Work

I am back at work today. It wasn't too bad of a day. Most of my time was consumed by e-mails (over 300 e-mails). It took me till noon to go through them (most were junk and a waste of time).

At lunch I needed to get out of the office, so I went for a ride. Today's ride (the same lunch time loop I always do) was both great and sucked at the same time. It was great because it had been over a week and a half since I was in the saddle, and it sucked because it was cold. One of the bad things about this cold was that I am going to have to go to North Dakota in January, and I know today wasn't really cold. They have a name for this type of cold in North Dakota, it's called Spring.

I am hoping I can accomplish something during the rest of the week, but I'm not holding my breath. I already have 2 four hour meetings scheduled.

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