Monday, August 3, 2009


If you are looking at the above picture, and are thinking, "Why is there a wheel and pump in your office?", the answer is because Karma is a bitch.

Last week I was out for a easy (recovery) ride. That didn't happen. I saw a couple of co-workers riding ahead of me. I didn't have to catch them. I could have just done my easy ride, but I caught them one by one. I didn't have to pass them. I could have helped the slower of the two catch up to the first, and then worked with them as a group, but I passed them. Not only did I pass them, I smoked them. I didn't have to say anything about it, but I wrote on facebook that I went all Alberto Contador on their ass.

Today I was feeling good and I came up on one of the riders again, and this time I really smoked him. By the end of the first 2.5 mile loop I had opened up a 1 mile lead (at least). By the second lap I was going hard, feeling good about myself. That is when I got a flat. No big deal, I can change a flat in a couple of minutes. That is if I have a tube or a patch kit, but I didn't. Karma decided to mess with me. After my last flat, I had put tools and a repair kit in my seat pouch, but I took out the patch kit the last time I went mountain biking, and the spare tube I usually carry in my jersey pocket was left in my gym bag under a change of clothes. The only lucky thing I did was bring my cell phone. I was able to call back to one of my co-workers, and have him come and pick me up.

The moral of the story is, don't mock others riding ability, if you don't want to sit in your office fixing a flat.

Last Wednesdays weigh in was 357.4 lbs and 38.9% Fat.

1 comment:

Pat Bridges said...

I really had to laugh because the dog we're going to look at Saturday is called Karma, and she's a bitch, so you are right!