Friday, August 7, 2009

Urban Hip

I haven't lost much weight recently, but I'm OK with that. If you are asking yourself, why? It is because I've become accidentally "Urban Hip". What does "Urban Hip" have to do with weight? Not much, but it does have to do with size.

The other day I was wearing my favorite pair of cargo shorts, and I found myself pulling them up every 3 steps. If I didn't pull them up, they would drop down to my waist (now for something you don't hear people say often, "Thank god for my big ass."), and would have continued down to my ankles if my ass hadn't stopped them. With them around my hips and my underwear showing I became "Urban Hip".

I have no wish to be "Urban Hip". I find this fashion statement to be stupid. If you have to hold the crotch of your pants up in order to walk, you are a idiot. Buy a belt. I always find it funny when you see on TV a cop chases someone wearing this style, and their pants fall down as they are running.

I have taken up a personnel fight against this "Urban Hip" style.

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