Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

252.8 lbs
43.5% Fat
Today was my weight lose challenge at work. I weighed in at 261 lbs. I think there scale is off. So far, every other time I weighed in at the challenge it has been 5 lbs greater than my weigh-in Wednesday weight.

This last week I have been doing well in my workouts. It might have something to do with the fact that I have signed up for my first triathlon. I've kicked it up a bit. I joined the Cobb County Aquatic Center. After my swim classes ended, I joined so I could do laps. I figured I would keep going Tuesday and Thursday, just like class, but I've bumped it up to Monday Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Besides my swimming, I've increased my mileage on the bike. I've bumped up my lunch time ride to 12 miles (adding 2 miles), and have started doing at least one 20+ mile ride per week.

I've also started back running. Before this week, the last time I ran was mid July.

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