Thursday, January 29, 2009


I’ve adopted cycling saying as my mantra, HTFU. I even have it posted on my desk.

It is a cycling saying, that stands for “Harden The F#©% Up”. In cycling, you say it to the guy at the back of the pack complaining (this climb is too steep, you guys are going too fast, I just coughed up something that looks like my spleen, etc…) or the guy who is making excuses (it’s too hot out, it’s too cold out, I’m getting married in a half an hour, etc…).

Yesterday I said HTFU to myself. I had gotten home late (I had been sick Monday and Tuesday with the Flu (I didn’t say HTFU for that) and had to catch up at work). By the time I got home, I was making excuses; it’s raining (and when it stopped), I need to fix my phone (and when I had fixed it), I’m hungry, it’s cold, it’s late, etc…any excuse, or combination of them would do. But, sometime around 8:30pm, I told myself to “Harden The F#©% Up”, and I threw on my running gear and went for a run.

So for all of you sitting around and reading this blog, HTFU. Go out and do something.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Uh.... how about ISHWYHTFU!