Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Life is Conspiring to Keep Me Fat.

Life is conspiring to keep me fat. It has nothing to do with eating a whole bag of Hershey kisses. If it does have something to do with eating a whole bag of Hershey kisses then I blame life for conspiring to make me eat those kisses.

Why do I think life is conspiring to keep me fat? Well, I only rode my bike one day last week, and I didn’t run at all. The week started off fine:

On Monday I did three laps of my lunch loop (7.5 miles).

On Tuesday I had lunch with my friend, John, and his two sons. I always have to go with him when his kids are with him. His sons are 14 and 4. The 4 year old is one of the cutest little boys you will ever meet, but the true entertainment is the 14 year old. He is a true “know-it-all” teenager, and he knows how to push his dad’s buttons. All I have to do is sit back and watch the floor show. Today’s show was about something my friend made for his van (for camping) (my friend is all about practicality and cost, and his son is about appearance (as most teenagers are)).

On Wednesday I didn’t ride during lunch, so I left work a little early to hit the Silver Comet Trail. On the way to the trail I stopped for gas, and I found a nail in one of my tires. Kaufmann Tire is close to the trailhead, so I stopped in to get my tire patched. Unfortunately there was a nail in the inside sidewall also. I ended up having to replace the tire (they only had one in stock, so I ordered the other one for Friday). By the time they finished, it was too late to go for a ride.

On Thursday I went for a hike. 10 friends and 10 dogs (I borrowed my sisters dog, Gretzky) hiked the white trail at Sweetwater Creek State Park. It was a fun outing, and life didn’t conspire against me, but that wasn’t going to last.

On Friday I was going to ride the Silver Comet Trail while I was getting my other tire. It rained, and rained. So instead of burning some calories, I went to Jim N Nicks for BBQ, a movie with popcorn, and 5 Guy’s Burgers for a burger and fries.

On Saturday I was planning a hike with my sister. She couldn’t make it to the New Year hike, so she, Gretzky and I were going to do one on Saturday. But, the weather was crappy. It had been raining on and off for over a day, and it didn’t look like it was going to let up. Our hike was rained out.

On Sunday it was still crappy.

The next Monday it was crappy all day, except at lunch. The sun broke through for a little while, and the temperature felt like spring. I watched as the runners from work, left for there lunch time jog, and the other bike riders from work left for a spin, but I was working with a vendor. No lunch time ride for me.

Today is also crappy. Crappy, crappy, crappy.

Life’s a bitch, and then you pack on the pounds.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

You crack me up. Yes the 14 yr old is all about appearance. The reason him and his dad butt heads is because they are EXACTLY the same!
If you get Jess talking he can come up with some real doozies. The other day he threw up his hands and told me I was driving the nuts out of him.
i think if it doesn't stop raining soon, everything is going to mildew.