Friday, January 16, 2009

I am a fat guy

I am a fat guy. I know this. I don’t say it to here people say things like; “No, you’re just big boned”, or “you don’t look fat, you look healthy”. I state that I’m fat, because I’m fat. I have proof. I bought a scale that measures your fat content.

Even though you may be fat, sometimes it doesn’t concern you. You read the numbers on the scale and you think of them as just numbers; you see pictures of yourself and you say you’re just big, you think about how much you exercise; you run a couple of times a week, you cycle during lunch, and you’re always going hiking.

Nothing brings you back to the fact that you’re a big fat guy as a hotel bathroom. At home, my bathroom has a small mirror in it. I only use the full length mirror when I’m dressed. Because I don’t ever see myself in my au-natural fatness, I sometimes forget how fat I am. But, seeing myself in the mirror of the hotel has made me think that I need to stop procrastinating (I’m a procrastinator), and get in shape.

Maybe tomorrow.


jenn said...

Nothing like getting out of the shower and Eeeeeeek! a full length mirror in your face! Why do they DO that!

Labrador121 said...

They do it because they are sadistic bastards.