Monday, January 5, 2009

I Am Not an Athlete

I am not an athlete. I run (trudge); I am not a runner. I ride a bike; I am not a cyclist. How can you tell that I’m not an athlete? That’s easy, I don’t know any stats. Although I wear the Dick Tracy watch, and it tracks all kind of data, I basically just know how far I went. I don’t track my pace, my time in heart rate zones, or any other of the other stats that my watch records.

When you tell an athlete you went for a ride during lunch, they ask all kinds of questions. What is your VO2Max? What is your time splits? What grade were the climbs? Etc… The only answer I can think of giving them is Cuba (once playing trivia pursuit I guessed Cuba, and it was correct; so Cuba has become my default answer).

Athletes need stats to fool themselves into thinking they’re doing something special. All I need is not to stroke out, because I am not an athlete.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Yeah, but the Dick Tracy watch makes you look like an athlete when you are trudging. I say fool them all! Make up stats!