Friday, January 27, 2012

Today is going to suck.

Today I woke up and couldn't get up. I was tired, dead tired. I sat on the edge of the bed listening to Carol sleep as I willed myself to move. Ten minutes later I actually moved. I hopped in the shower and stood zombie like. I had to stand there 10 minutes before I could remember what soap was. I was in a pee soup fog of the brain.

I only just started coming out of my fog as I got dressed, and it's a good thing. Thirty minutes earlier, and I would never have noticed that it was 3am, as I put my watch on.

I got undress and went back to bed. I checked my alarm clock, and it never went off. I dreamed my alarm clock went off, and that is why I got up. Not only does it suck that I woke up early, but it sucks that my dreams are so boring that I dream about sleeping.

I just know today is going to suck.

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