Monday, January 30, 2012

Heft on Wheels 2012

A few years ago I read a book called Heft on Wheels. On the cover was the author naked on his bike. I thought, “You can tell why the book’s called Heft on Wheels.” The picture truly showed how overweight he was, even though he was a recreational athlete. I have thought of that book, the title (which I’ve used to describe myself many times, even in this blog), and the photo(which I thought was inspirational (I would picture myself in that pose on the bike and how I would look)) many times as I’ve battled my weight.

As I start the battle with my weight once again, I’ve been looking for inspirations. I thought to myself, why don’t I take a picture like the cover of Heft on Wheels for motivation? So I set up my bicycle and camera and took a few versions of that photo (I took a G, PG, and R version). I edited the R version and posted it in my bathroom and on the fridge as a motivator to get out and to stop grazing. Below is the G version:

If this doesn’t motivate me to work out I don’t know what will. I am Heft on Wheels.

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