Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An Accidental Athlete

I recently finished the book, An Accidental Athlete by John Bingham. I have read articles by him in Runner's World, Competitor, and Triathlete magazines; and have found him funny. An Accidental Athlete is a collection of stories about his progress from couch to runner. I enjoyed it very much. The stories were short enough to fit in my schedule here and there, they were humorous, and inspirational.

I recommend this to any beginner, or late in life athlete. You may not relate to all the stories, but you will relate to the struggle of change. It is a good read.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Heft on Wheels 2012

A few years ago I read a book called Heft on Wheels. On the cover was the author naked on his bike. I thought, “You can tell why the book’s called Heft on Wheels.” The picture truly showed how overweight he was, even though he was a recreational athlete. I have thought of that book, the title (which I’ve used to describe myself many times, even in this blog), and the photo(which I thought was inspirational (I would picture myself in that pose on the bike and how I would look)) many times as I’ve battled my weight.

As I start the battle with my weight once again, I’ve been looking for inspirations. I thought to myself, why don’t I take a picture like the cover of Heft on Wheels for motivation? So I set up my bicycle and camera and took a few versions of that photo (I took a G, PG, and R version). I edited the R version and posted it in my bathroom and on the fridge as a motivator to get out and to stop grazing. Below is the G version:

If this doesn’t motivate me to work out I don’t know what will. I am Heft on Wheels.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Today is going to suck.

Today I woke up and couldn't get up. I was tired, dead tired. I sat on the edge of the bed listening to Carol sleep as I willed myself to move. Ten minutes later I actually moved. I hopped in the shower and stood zombie like. I had to stand there 10 minutes before I could remember what soap was. I was in a pee soup fog of the brain.

I only just started coming out of my fog as I got dressed, and it's a good thing. Thirty minutes earlier, and I would never have noticed that it was 3am, as I put my watch on.

I got undress and went back to bed. I checked my alarm clock, and it never went off. I dreamed my alarm clock went off, and that is why I got up. Not only does it suck that I woke up early, but it sucks that my dreams are so boring that I dream about sleeping.

I just know today is going to suck.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

Yesterday was my first day back to working out. I went to a spin class at the LA fitness by work. It wasn’t a cycling oriented spin class, like the ones put on by the Atlanta Triathlon Club (ATC), but it was a good lunchtime workout. I figure the only way I will get back in the swing of things is if I can get my workouts in without impacting the rest of my life too much, and working out during lunch is one of the ways I can do that.

Today I plan on run /walking or swimming during lunch. My plan is to work on my base fitness, and to drop about 10 lbs before I start training for a triathlon. I figure to ramp up in late March for John Tanner. That is when I will probably rejoin ATC.

Much of the next few weeks will be figuring out when to work out and where to do it. I’ve been contemplating the idea of coming in, in the morning, to work out, but I am not a morning person, and getting up 30 minutes earlier just to do something I don’t like, like running, doesn’t appeal to me. But, it is good dead time I could get a workout in with little impact. I’ve also thought about working out when I get home. Carol usually doesn’t get home till a couple of hours after me, and I could use that time. Plus, as a bonus, one of our neighbors goes to the gym at that time, and you know what they say, “You are more likely to stay with a work out regiment if you have someone to do it with.”

I will let you know what I come up with in future blogs.