Friday, March 19, 2010

Weigh-in Wednesday (belated)

243.0 lbs
34.6% Fat

I had the weigh in for the Weigh-in Challenge at work this week. I weighed in at 246 fully clothed. This is down about 3 pounds from last week, and about 12 pounds from the start of the challenge. I am also looking thinner. A few weeks ago I got a backhanded complement. A receptionist at the vet, that I hadn't seen a while, saw me and asked if I was sick.

Now that I am becoming thinner, people are asking me how I am doing it. It is no secret, I'm doing it slowly. I started off exercising. I didn't change my diet at all. Once I leveled out and became a fit fat guy I started the next phase.

The next phase was cutting down on the portion size. I still ate crap, I just ate less of it. This along with the exercise let me drop some more. Once I leveled out again I started the third phase.

The third phase is eating better (but not much better). I try and have a salad and veggies at least once a week.

It is my opinion that if you start doing everything all at once it becomes easier to fail, but if you do it in increment, you can get use to it in small doses.

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