Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hiking with a Dog

I went hiking yesterday with Cale. We hiked Kennesaw Mountain and Little Kennesaw Mountain. During the hike I realized something. Hiking is better with a dog. Here are the top 10 reasons why:

10. Dogs give you a great reason to hit the trail.
9. Dogs don’t care where you hike, they just care that you hike.
8. Dogs like both short and long hikes.
7. They will help you up a hill.
6. You can stop and catch your breath; and blame it on the dog wanting to sniff something.
5. If you talk to yourself, people think you are talking to the dog (and, that is less creepy).
4. Nobody can startle you from behind when you hike with a dog.
3. Dogs can point out wildlife before you ever see it. They can also kill it before you know it.
2. Dogs are chick magnets.
1. A tired dog is a good dog.

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