Sunday, March 28, 2010

John Tanner Practice

I did a trial run of the John Tanner Triathlon (swim and ride, no run). The swim did not go well. I suited up in my new never used wet suit and walked in to the left side of the lake next to the swim area buoy. As I got to about waist deep I dove in. I didn't know water could be that cold without having ice on it. As I started swimming my finger felt like they were burning from the cold (have you ever had a wart frozen off by the doctor? This was colder.) My head felt like it was being squeezed in a vice. I could not think of how to do a proper stroke. The only thing that my brain was saying was “Get out, get out.” So, I did.

I had not even made it 50 yards. This would not do. I can swim a mile continuously in the pool. I decided to try it again, but this time I would do the breast stroke (this way my head would be out of the water.) It started off a little better, but progressed to bad pretty fast. After about 50 yards my motor skills started degrading. Each stroke would let a rush of cold water in down my back. This made me spasm and looses all sense of technique. By about 100 yards I looked like a frog in the throes of death. Once I realized I really wasn’t moving anymore I started freestyle again. 2 seconds after my head hit the water it was telling me to “Get out, get out.” So, I did.

Third time’s the charm, right? No it’s not, but I told myself to HTFU and try again. For my third time I decided to try and do freestyle, but with my head out of the water. Anyone who swims will tell you that the higher your head position is the more your feet and legs sink. By the time I got around 100 yards I was exhausted, and started hyperventilating. HTFU my ass, don’t drown. I got out.
That was the end of my first open water swim attempt.

Luckily the ride was good. I mapped out the course and then drove it to find and log the turns (I also had the heat on in the truck trying to get warm.)

  • From John Tanner Park you head out .6 of a mile to Mt Zion Rd. ( Stop sign)

  • Turn Right on Mt Zion Rd., and go .1 of a mile to Eureka Church Rd. (this is right after Eureka Baptist Church)

  • Turn Right on Eureka Church Rd., and go 1.3 miles to New Hope Church Rd. (Stop sign) NOTE: Watch out for the turkey, he didn’t give chase, but gobbled in a way that told me he was displeased that I was on his road.

  • Turn Left on New Hope Church Rd., and go .2 of a mile to Ingram Rd. (First street on the right)

  • Turn Right on Ingram Rd., and go 1 mile to Lovvom Rd. (Stop sign) NOTE: Got chased by a Jack Russell. All the sprinting up the hill drills we do in spin class let me drop the hammer and blow that short legged terrier away.

  • Turn Right on Lovvom Rd., and go 3.4 miles to Burwell Mt Zion Rd. (Stop sign) NOTE: Lovvom Rd. is hilly.

  • Turn right on Burwell Mt Zion Rd., and go 3.1 miles to Mt Zion Rd. (Stop sign) NOTE: As you approach the stop sign you will go over 3 sets of speed bumps, and of course you are going uphill.

  • Turn right on Mt Zion Rd., and go 1 mile to Tanner Beach Rd. (Look for the brown John Tanner State Park sign)

  • Turn right on Tanner Beach Rd., and go .6 miles to the park entrance.

All in all it was a good outing. I plan on doing this a few more times before the actual triathlon (I will also add the run).


Labrador121 said...

For those in my family reading this, Don't I look like dad and Billy in that picture?

Pat said...

Yes, but you still don't look as much like dad as Billy does.