Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I hate being sick, but I love sick days. Monday I woke up feeling congested, and tired. By the end of the day I felt like crap. I decided not to go to the group swim with ATC.

Tuesday I woke up full blown ill. After calling in sick I went back to sleep. That is the way I handle being sick. I sleep. It is why I like sick days. It is a full day of sleep.

Wednesday I woke up feeling a little better, but not great. I decided to take another sick day. Sleep, sleep and more sleep. I finally got up and out of the house at about 3pm (I needed something to eat, and to pick up some groceries. Even though I got up and about, I still didn't think it was a good idea to go to spin class.

Tomorrow I am off. I am taking a vacation day to take Allie into the surgeon for a consult (detail to follow).

Weigh-In Wednesday
243.0 lbs
39.5% Fat

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