Friday, January 1, 2010


I think it is important to set ones goals down on paper (metaphorically). It it a lot harder to ignore it when it is in writing. It is even better when it is written in a way that people can see and hound you about.

In some of the books I've read (triathlon, running, cycling, working, etc...) it says you should set realistic goals, but goals that still push you. The goal should quantifiable (if you are reading this at work, check and see if this is one of your buzz word bingo words), and specific (but not too specific). Example:

I will run 5 times a week a minimum of 50 miles, I swim 3 times a week 1.5 miles each swim, I will cycle 4 times a week to a minimum of 150 miles, I will hike a new trail each week, etc...
This is unrealistic. You will not accomplish this (especially if you want to keep your job). A goal should be realistic.

Not Quantifiable
"I am going to ride more."
This is not quantifiable. It is vague. More than what?More than last year, last week, last Monday? How much more?

Too Specific
I will do all the Tri the Park triathlons and the Calloway Gardens triathlon.
I think this is too specific (this may just be me). I think saying you are going to do 8 triathlons is a better course. Specifying all the triathlons you will do, does not take into account everything life throws at you. I think setting a couple of specific races gives you a goal with enough flexibility to manage life.

So now that I have showed examples of bad goals, I will now write down my goals for 2010.

2010 Goals
  • Complete 5 triathlons (4 Sprint, and 1 Olympic).

  • Hike 2 parks I've never been too.

  • Ride half the Chief Ladiga trail.
  • Complete going up Kennesaw Mountain 4 times.
  • Get down to 225 lbs (I want to get down to 210 lbs, but that is unrealistic for this year).

1 comment:

Labrador121 said...

Just finished hiking Jones Bridge trails. Half of one goal down.