Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Mediocre White North

For the previous two weeks I’ve been in North Dakota and Minnesota. This was not a pleasure trip or vacation (who in their right mind would vacation in North Dakota or Minnesota in the middle of winter?), it was a business trip (I was made to go).

I was lucky on my trip. The week before I got there it was in the minuses, and it snowed. This week they are having a blizzard. When I was there it was in the mid 30s with mostly clear skies.

The hotel I stayed at was a older hotel, but it was next to the YMCA, and guests could use the facilities. I was able to continue my workouts, for the most part. I wasn’t able to do anything on my first Monday due to travel. On Tuesday I was planning on hitting the Y for a swim or a spin, but my co-worker, who had been up there alone for a week already, was so starved for company at dinner that I didn’t have the heart to say no. Monday and Tuesday was a wash.

Wednesday I hit the treadmill before work (I only did a mile before I had to get off it ,or go insane (I think the treadmill was a ancient form of torture).I was able to get a swim in after work and before going out. The pool at the Y was weird (different than what I’m use to). The first half of the pool was only about 3 feet deep. If I turned on my side too much when I stroked, I could touch the bottom. The second half of the pool was about 12 feet deep. This was weird for me because I don’t know how to flip turn, so I’m use to putting my foot down on the turn (can’t do that in the 12 foot section. I was able to muddle through it for a 50 minute / 1700 yard workout.

Thursday I talked my co-worker into eating early so I could take a spin class. It was a fairly easy class. Definitely not as hard as a ATC (Atlanta Triathlon Club) class.

On Friday my co-worker left and I had to rent a car, I had been riding to work with my co-worker. This gave me the opportunity to eat early and get another swim in. I did a 1250 yard continuous (non-stop) endurance swim. This is the longest I’ve done without stopping.

Saturday I had to work in the morning, but was off in the afternoon. At lunch I noticed a state park near the restaurant (Red River State Recreational Area) and decided to check it out. I hiked along the river for a couple of miles (wasn’t really dressed for a hike). The trail was a nice wide paved trail that was clear of snow. This meant no more treadmill.

Sunday I ran the 4 mile loop around the river. It was cold, but still better than the treadmill.

Picture of the trail

I worked Monday , even though it was MLK day. MLK day doesn’t seam to be a big holiday up there. I didn’t do any workout, I took a rest day.

Tuesday it snowed, but I still hit the park for another 4 mile run. The main difference was that it was colder, and this time I hit some ice 20 feet from the car, after the run, and took a spill. Still better than a treadmill.

Pictures from the run

The rest of the week I limped around, and Friday I flew home. I am so happy to be home away from the mediocre white north.

NOTE: Last Saturday I swam (class), but I wore a knee brace and I didn’t kick hard.

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