Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jones Bridge

Yesterday I braved the cold to hike the Jones Bridge portion of the Chattahoochee National Recreation Area. I was joined on my hike by my sister, her 2 Danes, Ethan, and his human (and our friend) Pam.

Jones Bridge is named after the bridge that spanned the Chattahoochee in the early 1900s. In 1940 half the bridge was stolen. Neighbors thought it was workers, but it was thieves cutting the bridge up for scrap.

Jones Bridge

Our hike started with a ¾ mile loop from the parking lot to the remains of the bridge and back. From there we headed north along the river. Hiking along this tight singletrack trail was an easy hike. Had we had retrievers this may have been a lot more difficult. It is always hard to walk retrievers that close to water. They don’t care what temperature it is, they want in the water.

Chattahoochee River

The trail followed the river to the boat dock and a little beyond. There it turned in and up. This trail leads to many loop options. We kept it short , Heifer (one of the Danes) stepped on something and started limping, but there are a lot of options.


All in all a very enjoyable outing. It didn’t feel too cold as we were hiking, I got to evaluate another trail for Paws on the Path, we saw about 8 deer and a hawk, and I got to do half of one of my goals for 2010. A good hike.

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