Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

262.4 lbs
39.5% Fat

I know swimming is good for you, and I know it is a good cardio workout, but it's not helping me lose weight. Why, you ask. Well, I am taking a swimming class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and when I get home at night I am two things; famished and tired. I get home, eat everything I can find, and then go to sleep.

Yesterday was the worst case of this. Our normal swim coach, Bob, is on vacation. Bob has been teaching us technique, but Bob's replacement, Mike, has a different approach. Mike (I will refer to him from now on as The Sadistic Bastard) believes in swimming, swimming, and more swimming. My left calf cramped in the first 15 minutes, and my right calf also cramped before we were done (I currently waddle instead of walk).

At the end of class I was so tired, I had trouble climbing out of the pool. I did a two hour tempo (85% - 90% Max Heart Rate) ride last Saturday, and I wasn't as tired as I was after class. I got home from class and ate a half of a pizza, a container of almonds, a yogurt, and a couple of cheese sticks. The only reason I didn't continue eating was that the Tylenol PM kicked in, and I went to sleep.


Labrador121 said...

Today I started the "Weight Loss Challenge" part 2. Today's weigh-in was 267 lbs. 4 pounds over what it was at the end of the the first "Weight Loss Challenge".

I guess last night's binge eating didn't help much.

peepnroosmom said...

John started that today, too. He is just happy he is not classified as "morbidly obese." He will be happy to get down to "Overweight.