Wednesday, June 3, 2009

262.8 lbs
39.2% Fat

I've gotten back on track this week. Alot of it has to do with the fact that it has been nice out for the last week. The days it did rain, it waited till after my bike ride. Other factors were being able to go for a hike on Saturday and starting my swimming class this week.

I was able to ride at lunch all week except Friday (I had worked at night that day). Last Wednesday and Thursday I snuck my rides in before the sky opened up. The rides were nice because the temperature was in the low 70s, but that changed on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday and Tuesday the temperature was in the upper 80s, and I was sweating like a pig.

My pace is getting better. It now takes me 40 minutes to do my 10 mile lunch loop. If I can consistently get it under 35 minutes, I will increase my mileage to 12.5 miles.

On Saturday, I went for a hike at Sweetwater Creek State Park with my sister and Gretzky (The Great One). Because Gretzky is a Great Dane, he gets alot of attention on the hikes. My sister is always getting questions like, "Do you have a saddle for him?", "Can he carry me up the hill?", and many other questions like this.

During this last hike we got alot more of the requests for him to carry people up the hill. You see, they were having a 50K trail run race Saturday, and we caught the end of it. We were passing people that had the same facial expressions as the zombies from bad horror movies. The only reason we knew they weren't zombies, was that they asked if the could ride Gretzky to the finish line, and not if they could eat our brains.

All in all, a very nice hike. I was tired after it. I can't comprehend how the zombie people ( the racers) were able to run the trails for over 30 miles, when I was as tired as I was after only hiking 5 miles.

I started my swimming class yesterday, and it was OK. I did have some guy with a peg leg throwing pointy things at me, and I don't know why.

By the end of the class my calf started locking up. It is still a little sore today, so I will take it easy on today's ride. I am looking forward to tomorrow's class.

1 comment:

jenn said...

Cool! What was he throwing at you, his peg leg?
I remember my parents had a German Shepherd named Sammy when I was little and I did ride him like a horse all the time.