Monday, June 29, 2009

Book Review - First Triathlons

I recently finished the book "First Triathlons". It was a good book. It was a good book in many different ways.

  1. Each of the stories were short, 3 to 7 pages. This allowed me to fit some reading in were I could.
  2. It was motivational. If the people in this book could over come such large obstacles (cancer, diabetes, getting hit by a car, being a catholic nun, etc...), then I think I could overcome being fat.
  3. It was informative. Each of these people shared what they have learned with the reader. Keep your head out of the water if you swim through a warm section of water while in the group.
  4. It also gave a great piece of advice. Just have fun.

I have made a promise to myself. If I get down to 240 lbs, I will sign up for my first tri. I figure this will give me enough time to finish my swim class and add some mileage to my running. Plus if I don't feel ready, I can eat some ice cream.

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