Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

264.2 lbs
40.0% Fat

I know it went up again, but I can explain. This weekend it has been raining. Not just raining, but raining so much that my dog has started looking for the ark (she doesn't realise that she is old and fixed, so she would be SOL).

So you may be saying, "That is only 3 or 4 days of no exercise; you shouldn't have gained so much weight.", to that I would say "Shut up, and mind your own business. Like you couldn't lose some weight." (I'm not defensive).

So I sat at home and snacked. Normally this wouldn't be too bad, but I was restocking my work food supplies. That means I had 2 large bags of M&Ms, a couple of boxes of Pop Tarts, a couple of bags of Goldfish crackers and low fat yogurt (guess which of these I didn't eat this weekend). And, because I only ate crap during the day, I was so hungry at night I would go out to get something to eat and end up at a buffet (Lex Luthor is Superman's arch enemy, Green Goblin is Spider Man's arch enemy, and Buffets are mine).

I should be doing better by next week. I've already rode a couple of times at work (I got my rides in between the rain), this weekend is suppose to be nice so I will ether go for a hike or a ride, and next Tuesday I start my swimming class. I am guessing I will be back to 260lbs by next weigh in.

1 comment:

jenn said...

OK, if the M&M's are peanut, that's protein. If the Pop Tarts are fruit, that's a fruit, right? The yogurt speaks for itself and you ate salads at the buffets, right?
John tracked his food intake for about three days and I haven't seen track one thing in over a week. Maybe I should give him some moral support.