Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

260.4 lbs
40.1% Fat

Last week started the Weight Loss Challenge at work. I decided I needed to kick it up a notch.

Thursday I did my 10 miles, on the bike, at lunch, and I had swim class with the sadistic bastard. The sadistic bastard worked us to the point of exhaustion.

On Friday I only did a recovery ride during lunch. A recovery ride is a ride that you spin in a low gear and keep your Heart Rate (HR) below 60% of your max HR. In a nut shell, it is an easy ride.

Saturday I woke up early (9 am, it's early for me), and went for a run. I had decided to run at least two hours. Before you become impressed, remember I am slow (I trudge) and two hours is only about 8 miles. I ran the Kolb Farm trail and the Chettam Hill Trail. All in all, I ran 7.5 miles.

Later that afternoon I rode the Silver Comet. I did a 20 mile tempo ride. A tempo ride is a ride that you keep your Heart Rate between 85% and 90% of you max HR. In a nut shell, it is a hard ride.

I took Sunday off as a rest day, and started back on Monday. I did a 10 mile recovery ride (I was still sore from Saturday) at lunch, and did a 4 mile trail run (Bell Bomber Loop) after work.

Tuesday I did an easy version of a brick. A brick is a type of triathlon training. You basically do multiple workouts together. I started with a 10 mile tempo ride at lunch (it started out as a recovery ride, but I saw some of my colleagues riding, and I had to beat them), then I had swimming class (coach Bob is back from vacation, so no more Sadistic Bastard) for a hour, and after that I did a 2 mile run around the aquatic center's track.

If I keep this pace up, I should lose more than enough weight for the Weight Loss Challenge. Or, I'm going to kill myself with a stroke.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

That makes me tired just thinking about it.
John went to martial arts class last night and he thought his heart would explode!