Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Bane of Bees

I am the bane of bees. For years I have had carpenter bees eating my garage, and for years I have fought them off with my trusty badminton racket. This method was only mildly effective, but had made most of my neighbors think I'm a bit nuts. You see, from my neighbors house, you can't see the bees. All you see is me out in the middle of my driveway, swinging a badminton racket wildly and erratically; and yelling at the air. All I needed to really freak them out was to don a tin foil hat.

In order to improve my reputation in the neighborhood, I switched from hitting the bees with a racket, to using a chemical poison. Tuesday, I went by the "Do It Yourself Pest Control" store and picked up some professional chemicals (Demon Dust) and a sprayer. I went home and sprayed my garage and house.

I wasn't all that impressed at the start. The couple of bees I sprayed as I was treating the garage seamed to find the spray refreshing. It appeared to have no effect on them. But, yesterday when I got home, and pulled the truck into the garage, I noticed dead bees all over my driveway. I counted at least 10.

The chemical seams to be working. I guess I will no longer be the bane of bees; the garage itself will become their bane. BWAH HA HA HA HAAA!!!! (I guess the mad scientist laugh doesn't help my reputation)


jenn said...

That's funny, John had the exact same laugh when he sprayed the Demon Dust, too! Good riddance Carpenter bees!

Pat said...

Does it work on Yellow Jackets?