Monday, July 2, 2007

The Couch

Sometimes I can't sleep. Why? The reasons are numerous, I'm upset about something, I am trying to fix something in my head, or tomorrows Monday and what do I have to do at work this week. Any one of these things could effect my sleeping, but yesterday they all affected my sleeping.

Reason one: I was on the phone last night with Susan ( Susan is a friend of mine (she lives in AL and I live in GA ). We go out on dates when neither of us are seeing anyone). We talked about my upcoming trip to AL with the puppies, religion, relationships, sex, our relationship over the years, the past, the future and Thomas the Train (she has a three year old boy). After we said good night I started rethinking our conversation, thinking I should have said this or I should have said that. My brain wouldn't shut down right away. I was finally able to stop thinking of our conversation, and that's when I started thinking of reason two.

Reason two: Yesterday I was helping a friend work on his wife's car. We worked on it and started driving it back to his house (it was at her work) and it broke down again. So we decided to bring it to my house( i have a big garage and any tool we would need(I''m a Technical Instructor who teaches people to be Mechanics/Technicians)) on his trailer. None of this kept me up, what did keep me up was; I need to check fuel pressure at the filter and at the throttle body, I need to do a flow test and a amp draw test and what does all the different possibilities mean. I was finally able to stop diagnosing the car, and that's when I started thinking of reason three.

Reason three: I have been off for the weekend and I am going to AL on the 4th and not coming back till Sunday, what do I need to get done at work before I leave. I made lists in my head (this blog was not one of them, it's more therapy). When I finally stopped making lists in my head and started drifting off to sleep my Lab kicked me (I must have encroached on her 3/4 side of the bed), which woke me up and started me thinking about reason one again.

This wasn't working. I couldn't take drugs (Tylonol PM) (it was 2am and I get up for work at 5:30am). So, I did the next best thing. I went to sleep on my couch. I have two couches, but I only use one for sitting, napping and for the use as the occasional sleep aid. It is a beat up 15 year old faded and sagging couch that has seen better days. The other couch which is in better condition, has become home for a DVD player I mean to bring into work, a box of comic books (I am a bit of a geek (I can here my sister snicker at the phrase "a bit"), books and other things (in case you didn't guess it I'm a bit of a slob (I can here my sister snickering loader about using the phrase "a bit" again).

I don't know why I can sleep on the couch when I am having trouble sleeping, it is less comfortable that my bed. It might be because it forces you to curl up in the fetal position, or that having the TV on in the background numbs your brain and stops you from thinking. Whatever the reason, the couch did its job and I was able to get 4 hours of sleep (I overslept).

Tonight I may just forget the bed and stay on my couch.


Anonymous said...

Which sister were you thinking of? I can promise you that all three sisters are snickering and saying "a bit???"

Labrador121 said...

The sister I was thinking was Pat. Pat is the voice and laughter of my conscience in my head.

As far all as my sisters snickering, I'm sure they weren't the only ones. In fact I know they weren't the only ones. I have already received emails from friends, colleges, family and a burglar who was casing my place, but didn't break in because he thought someone else beat him to it, and ransacked the place.