Tuesday, July 3, 2007

To Bra or Not to Bra

On my way to work I drive through a part of Cobb County called Vinings. In Vinings, they have built sidewalks and multi use trails along Atlanta Road. Because of this I have been seeing more and more runners, many of whom are attractive women (this is a good thing – usually).

The other morning as I was driving into work I spotted a beautiful women jogging towards me. As she got closer I noticed two things; one she was well endowed in the chest area and second she wasn’t wearing a bra (I noticed both of these things pretty quickly, because I’m a guy and that’s what we do). Her breasts swung back and forth like a metronome, keeping perfect tempo with her steps.

I’ve never been hypnotized, and always said I couldn’t be hypnotized. But, watching this woman jog may have proved that assumption wrong. The next thing I know the right wheels of my truck were in the gutter (the truck wasn’t the only thing in the gutter at that time) and I snapped out of my daze.

This incident got me thinking, should a law be enacted to require a woman to confine her girls when she jogs (this could be considered un-American)? And, if we require women to do this would we also have to require fat guys to confine their man-boobs to prevent sexual discrimination lawsuits (personal note: I am a fat guy, but I don’t have man-boobs)?

No, I think I would be against any law that confined breasts (as I think most men would be). I think women should be aware of a few things if they are going to go jogging without a bra: First – men stare at breasts (like you didn’t already know that). Second – people drive in the direction of what they are staring at (that means you could be hit by a car). Third – hitting you with a car will not stop a guy from trying to get a date with you (especially if you have breasts that can cause a man to wreak his car). So, in the interest of public safety, I suggest that you either confine the girls or go TrailRunning (no cars). May I suggest the Jake Abbott Trail?

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Well look at you, all blogging and stuff! It IS good therapy. I just wish I had more interesting things to blog about.
I guess with two dogs, you should have endless possibilities. :)