Friday, July 13, 2007

I Ran Like Crap

I ran like crap. Yesterday I went for my run with Buddy (my Golden) and I ran like crap. I set a blistering pace of 3.9 mph (remember I’m a geek, I have a GPS watch that keeps track of location, speed, heart rate, elevation, direction, etc…). I am not a fast runner anyway, but yesterday was bad. I imagine it was a pitiful site to see, Buddy walking next to me (and I mean walking slowly) as I was running. He kept looking back at me to see what was taking so long. Had I been running through the halls of a nursing home, old men and women with walkers would have been passing me. Although they may have passed me, Buddy wouldn’t have let them get far. He would have stopped them, not out of some sense of loyal to me (“I will not let you pass the guy who feeds me; he’s pathetic enough with out you adding to it.”). He would stop them because most walkers in nursing homes have tennis balls on the legs (protects the floor), and he is a Golden.

I am going to try something different this weekend. Saturday I am going to ride my bike on the Silver Comet Trail (this is a trail that goes from Cobb County (where I live) to Birmingham, AL). I will probably do 10 to 15 miles (if I can’t make it I will call my sister to pick me up (I’ve done this in the past)). On Sunday I will be leading Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta (GRRA) on its monthly group hike. This month it’s at Red Top Mountain State Park. This Hike is 5miles.

Next week I hope I will be back on pace.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Running like crap is better than not running at all.