Sunday, February 28, 2010


I haven’t been blogging much. I really don’t know where the time goes. Yes I do. As I have posted, I joined ATC (Atlanta Triathlon Club), and it is keeping me busy. I also have added Cale to my family. Between work, training (working-out), and walking and playing with the new pup I don’t have much free time.

So what have I been doing? I’ve started attending ATC group swims on Mondays, and Wednesday spin classes. I am having trouble with these classes/training sessions. The coaches seem to want to kill me. April, the swim coach, is use to coaching the masters swim team, and I am no were near that level (if levels were zip codes, I would be in a different continent). The group is divided in groups (lanes) basic (learning how to swim), beginner, intermediate, and advanced. I am in the intermediate, but barely. Everyone else in my lane finishes their laps and are refreshed. I finish out of breath and tired.

Going into the group swim I thought I would be better. I am still taking the stroke development class on Saturday mornings, and I am smoking the other students. They all have to wear fins to keep up with me. In the group swim, I am doing all I can. At times I think all I’m doing is trying not to drown.

I don’t want you to think that my swimming is all bad. Last week I swam a mile, continues.

The spin classes are also kicking my ass. You would think that with all the riding I do it wouldn’t be so tough. The spin instructor runs you through sprints, climbs and endurance workouts, designed to try and get your heart to explode. I swear they are trying to see if they can get someone to collapse.

I have also taken a couple of technique cycling classes with The first class was on pedaling efficiency, and the second one was on the hidden power in the torso. I have ridden a couple of time since the first class, and I can tell the difference, but it still isn’t natural; I still have to concentrate on the technique when I’m riding.

All in all, the training isn’t killing me; it just feels like it is.

PS weigh-in for last week was:

246.4 lbs

36.8% Fat

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