Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

264.2 lbs
40.0% Fat

I know it went up again, but I can explain. This weekend it has been raining. Not just raining, but raining so much that my dog has started looking for the ark (she doesn't realise that she is old and fixed, so she would be SOL).

So you may be saying, "That is only 3 or 4 days of no exercise; you shouldn't have gained so much weight.", to that I would say "Shut up, and mind your own business. Like you couldn't lose some weight." (I'm not defensive).

So I sat at home and snacked. Normally this wouldn't be too bad, but I was restocking my work food supplies. That means I had 2 large bags of M&Ms, a couple of boxes of Pop Tarts, a couple of bags of Goldfish crackers and low fat yogurt (guess which of these I didn't eat this weekend). And, because I only ate crap during the day, I was so hungry at night I would go out to get something to eat and end up at a buffet (Lex Luthor is Superman's arch enemy, Green Goblin is Spider Man's arch enemy, and Buffets are mine).

I should be doing better by next week. I've already rode a couple of times at work (I got my rides in between the rain), this weekend is suppose to be nice so I will ether go for a hike or a ride, and next Tuesday I start my swimming class. I am guessing I will be back to 260lbs by next weigh in.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Bane of Bees

I am the bane of bees. For years I have had carpenter bees eating my garage, and for years I have fought them off with my trusty badminton racket. This method was only mildly effective, but had made most of my neighbors think I'm a bit nuts. You see, from my neighbors house, you can't see the bees. All you see is me out in the middle of my driveway, swinging a badminton racket wildly and erratically; and yelling at the air. All I needed to really freak them out was to don a tin foil hat.

In order to improve my reputation in the neighborhood, I switched from hitting the bees with a racket, to using a chemical poison. Tuesday, I went by the "Do It Yourself Pest Control" store and picked up some professional chemicals (Demon Dust) and a sprayer. I went home and sprayed my garage and house.

I wasn't all that impressed at the start. The couple of bees I sprayed as I was treating the garage seamed to find the spray refreshing. It appeared to have no effect on them. But, yesterday when I got home, and pulled the truck into the garage, I noticed dead bees all over my driveway. I counted at least 10.

The chemical seams to be working. I guess I will no longer be the bane of bees; the garage itself will become their bane. BWAH HA HA HA HAAA!!!! (I guess the mad scientist laugh doesn't help my reputation)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weigh-In Wednsday

As I have said before, I am not too worried about a slight gain between weeks. Plus I know I am about to lose a lot of weight soon. I just signed up for a couple of swimming classes next month. I will be going for a hour a day, twice a week. If I get comfortable in the water again (I was in the Coast Guard many years ago, and was very comfortable in the water then), I will probably sign up for a triathlon.

I know I'm still fat, but I saw a picture of myself from last year, and I can't believe how many chins I had. I am thankfully back down to two. I can tell I'm losing weight by the fact that I had to make a new hole in my belt. Another way I know I'm losing weight is that one of the guys at work has stopped calling me Steve (not my name). Steve is my friend and this persons old boss; Steve is a big boy (really big), and calling me Steve was his way of calling me fat without calling me fat. Their are many other ways of calling a person fat, without calling them fat. Here are a few: big fat kid = Husky, big fat woman = Rubinest, big fat cyclist = Clydesdale, big fat swimmer = Orca, and my favorite is for triathletes, they put it so simply and accurately, big fat triathlete = big fat triathlete.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

38.7% Fat

I probably would be less than this if I hadn't hit the buffet last night (NOTE: don't go to a buffet when you are starving).

In a related/unrelated item, I am thinking of taking a class. The name of the class is "Adult Stroke Developement". I sure hope this is a swimming class; otherwise EWWW!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

I know it is up a couple of pound since last week, but until it goes up two weeks in a row, I'm not going to worry about it.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I know I'm fat, but this chart is whacked. If I was to reach what they termed "Healthy Weight", I would look like a bobble head doll (a giant head on a little body). The chart even says I was overweight when I was in the Coast Guard and in the best shape of my life.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Yesterday I put new wheels on Sherman. Today I rode during lunch, and I can say the new wheels are like butter (Smooth).

I had bought the wheels on the Internet (even though they are aero wheels, the are heavy duty for big guys like me), and I went to REI for tires, cassette, tubes, etc... All in all I spent close to $400 on my new wheels, but so far they are worth it.

NOTE: My bike is named Sherman because it rolls through Atlanta.