Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

And I step backwards.

I can't say I didn't see this coming. As I have stated before, my philosophy on weight lose is "Don't diet, exercise". This usually works, but if you don't exercise, or you keep going to buffets, it will not work.

I have not exercised since last Wednesday, when I ran the Battlefield. Thursday, Friday and Saturday it rained. Sunday it snowed, and Monday the roads were still icee. Yesterday I went to lunch with a friend, and fell asleep on my couch when I got home. With this much activity I sure as hell wasn't burning any calories.

Last week was also my birthday week. That means I ate alot more than I usually do (alot more than I do now, not alot more than I did a year ago (you don't become this fat by not eating alot)).

One of my big problems with exercising after work will be alleviated this weekend. This weekend is daylight savings time. I will now have a whole extra hour the run or ride the bike. It makes it easier to get a work-out in, even if you left work late. I hope this will mean I am back on track by next week.

1 comment:

jenn said...

That's not even a whole pound! Only whole pounds count. Then if you have a really good excuse even they don't count.
Happy Birthday, though!