Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weigh-in Wednsday

What the fµ©%!! In the last week (since the last weigh in), I've cycled 15 miles (1 hour) at a high Heart Rate and burned over 2000 calories, hiked 5 miles (2.5 hours) up and down a couple of mountains burning over 2500 calories, ran 7 miles (2 hours) on mountain trails burning close to 3000 calories, and cycled 30 miles (2 hours) at a aerobic Heart Rate burning over3500 calories; and I only lost .6 pounds.

Again I say, what the fµ©%.


Anonymous said...

Keep it up and in a year, you'll have lost 31.2 lbs!

peepnroosmom said...

Muscle weighs more than fat!