Monday, February 16, 2009

Panola Mountain

Last Friday I went to Panola Mountain for a little ride (20 miles). The trail there is a lot like the silver comet, it is two way paved trail. That is where the similarities end.

The Panola trail is hilly. Leave your lungs at the bottom of the climb, hilly. It also has a real rural section that you have to watch out for the residence.

On one of the downhill sections I almost hit one of the residents, a young boy. I have no doubt that he would have kicked my ass if I had hit him (he was a big boy). I was going at least 25mph down a hill when the boy ran out in front of me. I hit the brakes hard and avoided hitting him by a measly 10-15 ft. He just ran off like nothing happened, but I got a good look at him.

To help my fellow cyclist, I have a artist rendering of him (see below). Be on the lookout for this reckless youth.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Oh! I thought you were going to post a piucture of Roo. He loves to run out in front of cyclist. I know they hate to see little kids coming.