Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Weigh-in Wednsdays

If you are seeing my numbers go down, and are saying to yourself "Boy, his diet is really working."; you would be wrong. I don't diet. I still eat like a single guy. I've been running and riding alot, and I've developed a simple eating philosophy; "You can eat 4000 calories a day if you are burning 3000 of them during a run, or ride."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Panola Mountain

Last Friday I went to Panola Mountain for a little ride (20 miles). The trail there is a lot like the silver comet, it is two way paved trail. That is where the similarities end.

The Panola trail is hilly. Leave your lungs at the bottom of the climb, hilly. It also has a real rural section that you have to watch out for the residence.

On one of the downhill sections I almost hit one of the residents, a young boy. I have no doubt that he would have kicked my ass if I had hit him (he was a big boy). I was going at least 25mph down a hill when the boy ran out in front of me. I hit the brakes hard and avoided hitting him by a measly 10-15 ft. He just ran off like nothing happened, but I got a good look at him.

To help my fellow cyclist, I have a artist rendering of him (see below). Be on the lookout for this reckless youth.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weigh-in Wednsday

What the fµ©%!! In the last week (since the last weigh in), I've cycled 15 miles (1 hour) at a high Heart Rate and burned over 2000 calories, hiked 5 miles (2.5 hours) up and down a couple of mountains burning over 2500 calories, ran 7 miles (2 hours) on mountain trails burning close to 3000 calories, and cycled 30 miles (2 hours) at a aerobic Heart Rate burning over3500 calories; and I only lost .6 pounds.

Again I say, what the fµ©%.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Masochist is defined as a person who gets pleasure from being hurt or humiliated.

I’m not so sure that would be what I am. I don’t get pleasure from being hurt, but I keep on hurting myself. Here are three examples of my hurting myself:

Last Thursday I hit the silver comet trail. I had wanted to go for an easy, but long ride. Unfortunately, I didn’t get out of work early enough for that, so instead I went for a 1 hour hammerfest. For most of the hour, I kept my heart rate in the high threshold level (see above). Even when my calves started to lock up (cramp), I kept going. For hours after the ride, I waddled in pain. Do you think that this would stop me from causing myself anymore pain, at least in the near future? No

Saturday I went hiking Kennesaw Mountain and Little Kennesaw Mountain. The Hike was 5.5 miles long. That was not the painful part. The painful part is that you climb almost 700 ft in a mile (see above). The total elevation gain during this hike is 1,384 feet. This was not a hike for the faint of heart.

Yesterday I decided to do a little trail running (trudging). I had been thinking of doing a ½ marathon the day after my 43rd birthday, but I haven’t been getting the miles in. My thought is that if I could get to 10 miles, I could do the half marathon. Yesterday was the first major increase in mileage and trail difficulty (the ½ marathon I am thinking of is a trail run). I ran for 2 hour (7.5 miles) through the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield (not the mountains). I started at Cheatam Hill and ran to Burnt Hickory Rd and back(see above). I was wiped out by the time I got back to the car.

I’ll have to rethink the marathon; I’ll do that on my bike ride today. Hmmm, maybe I am a Masochist.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesdays

I am starting a new thing, and I am calling it "Weigh-In Wednesdays". Every Wednesday, I will post my weight. This will allow my friends and family to openly mock me when I gain weight (more motivation to lose weight).
Let the mocking begin.