Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ben Franklin Day?

I am a veteran, so I understand Veterans Day. I honor those who have fallen defending my freedom, so I understand Memorial Day. I am an American, so I understand the 4th of July. I am a Catholic (lapsed), so I understand Christmas. I live in Atlanta, I partially understand MLK day.

I don't understand Presidents day. I understood Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's Birthday. These men did something that deserved honoring them, but lopping them in with Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, William Taft is insulting to them.

I don't understand Columbus day, ether. Are we celebrating someone getting lost? Because, if we are I think we should have a Labrador121 day. I get lost all the time.

Another one I don't understand, but I do like, is Thanksgiving. Are we celebrating that the first settlers didn't die, or the way we back stabbed the Indians for helping us. But, I'll forgive this holiday because it has pie.

I recently heard of a petition to make Saint Patrick's day a Federal holiday. I can partially see this because Saint Patrick was a righteous dude (you don't get the title of saint by being a bum), but, lets face it, it would be a holiday for the Irish so they can drink (remember, on Saint Patrick's day everyone is Irish). And, we already have a Christan holiday (Christmas) even if it doesn't resemble one anymore.

I would like to see a new holiday; Ben Franklin day. If anyone in American history deserves a day, it's Ben. This is why I think this:
  1. Every holiday we celebrate has become a reason to eat, drink and party. Who better than Ben Franklin epitomizes this spirit?
  2. The public library, which allows me to use their Wi-Fi to blog. I also blog at the coffee house, which Ben has no relationship with.
  3. Ben was a great inventor. A person who used his head and hands. Isn't that inspiring to the generations of couch potatoes.
  4. Last is my main reason. Day Light Savings Time. I can run and do things again.

Support Ben Franklin Day.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Here! Here! Ben Franklin Day!
Any reason to get together and eat is good enough reason for me.