Friday, March 21, 2008

New Job

I've recently been promoted to the position of Administrator of Policies and Procedures. This is a far different type of job than my last one (Technical Instructor). Not only is it different than my last job, it is different than what I thought it was.

I started the new job on a Monday, and the person who had the position before me came in (he's retired, but was contracted for 4 months to do a project) and went over the job duties. One of the job duties is writing technical specifications for contracts. I've never wrote a contract in my life. I started feeling overwhelmed. That night I dreamed of writing a contract for a bus and receiving a Flintstones type bus with everyone slicking their feet out of the bottom.

The rest of the week my anxiety level was high. I hate change anyway, and this just intensified it. It has gotten easier as the weeks pass, but I'm still a bit anxious. One of the things about this job is that during any given day you are working on 5 or 6 projects. I am a very linear thinker. I like finishing something before I start something new. With 5 to 6 projects, you work on this a little, then that a little, and then check on something else. It makes me feel I'm not getting anything done. I've been going home thinking, I've gotten nothing accomplished. This is not true, I've gotten a little bit of many thing accomplished. I've just not finished anything.

I know I just have to give it some time. After all, it's a new job.

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

Well, it is a new job. At least you won't be bored for a while.
I like to finish things before I start something else, too. Problem is I am bad about not finishing anything before I get bored with it.