Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Aqua Fit and Other Forms of Torture

A few weeks back, Carol called on her way home and asked if I wanted to meet her at the gym. We had been talking about working out together (it is always easier if you have someone else depending on you), but up till then we had only talked about it in general terms.

I met her at the gym, and I decided to run; she rode the exercise bike. I have not run in about a half a year. I had, in the beginning of winter, took a running mechanics class with hopes that it would kick start my running again, it didn't. So this was my first run in a while. And, I could tell.
I ran 2 miles (ran/walked) on the dreadmill. It took about 25 minutes. I ran at about a 10 minute mile (that is fast for me) and walked at a 20 minute mile. It was not a bad start, as long as you don't count the fact that the dreadmill through me off  while I was trying to fix my headphones. I landed on my feet, but I did give all the people on the elliptical trainers a good laugh.

It took me a couple of days to recover before I ran again.. For two days I walked around making old man noises every time I stood up, sat down, or transversed steps. I am so out of shape.

The second week we hit the gym 5 days, and mixed it up a bit. Monday we swam, I did 800 meters (16 x 50m sprints). I discovered I no longer have any swimming endurance. Tuesday we did Aqua Fit (water aerobics, or in this case water boot camp). It was a substitute instructor, and he kicked my ass so hard I hurt for 3 days.Wednesday I walked on the treadmill because my legs were so shot from the Aqua Fit. On Thursday we went to the Aqua Fit at another location (we are trying out different instructors). This was not the same Aqua Fit. This was water aerobics for little blue haired old ladies (I didn't mind, I was still sore from Tuesday's Aqua Fit). I never really got much out of it. Friday I was feeling a bit better (less sore), so I ran again, I ran 2.5 miles.

Carol and I didn't go to the gym during the weekend. We started back Monday, she rode the bike and I ran. I still don't like running on the dreadmill, but at least I'm no longer falling off. I did 2.5 miles at a 10:30 pace. Tuesday's Aquafit was the regular instructor, and she kicked my ass. It wasn't as bootcampy. It was continious, and it worked a bunch of muscles I have not been working in triathlon training. I left the pool exhausted and with blisters on my feet.

The rest of the week my brother was in town, so we didn't go to the gym.

We started back this week, and I'm hoping we can keep the momentum up.

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