Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weigh-In Wednesdays

Has it been a week? My weight went up this week, but I can explain; I sat on the couch shoving food and beer into my mouth. (I didn't say I had an excuse, I said I could explain.)

I still have not found a groove. Since leaving the Engineering Department, at work, I no longer ride at lunch. That use to be a big part of my fitness program. I had fellow riders that helped keep me motivated (and I helped them stay motivated). Here at my new position I don't have that. I started going to the gym at lunch, but more often then not something comes up and throws that off. It is a big hassle to drive over to the gym, change, workout, shower, and drive back in an hour. With the riding, I changed in my office and out the door I went.

I've got to get into some kind of groove because I am not happy with my weight.

1 comment:

pat said...

So where are the past 3 weeks?