Monday, September 12, 2011

It's Been Sooooooo Long

It has been so long since I updated my blog. A lot has changed since the last post (last year at this time. The biggest news and change has been Carol and I are engaged. We are planning a fall 2012 wedding, but are not sure of what we are planning (small, big, destination, outdoors, etc...).

Much of our wedding planning has been derailed by house issues. This summer we had a couple of trees fall on the house, and before we got it fixed our a/c unit went out. It seams the old saying "If it's not one thing it's another" is pretty accurate.

I am still a member of the tri club, but I've not been as active as I was last year. One of the problems is I am now further away from town, and it is a bit inconvenient. Another thing is that when you go from a single guy with not much to do, too a relationship, your priorities change. I have recently joined a gym, and I go in the morning before work, but I haven't found a groove yet.

I need to develop a more consistent training plan. I've gained a bunch of weight back (having someone to go to dinner with will do that), and I'm not happy about it.

I recently returned to my old job (Technical Instructor). I had to take a cut in pay, but I was happier doing the instructor job. Plus, I will save about the difference in gas (it is closer to home). I will be working later, and I hope it will give me more opportunity to attend some tri training. We will see how things go.

P.S. I hope the job allows me to update the blog more often than once a year.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Welcome back, I was just about to delete my shortcut. The last time I checked it was August & I thought you had given up blogging forever.