Friday, September 4, 2009

New Bike

Last Saturday, I ordered a new bike. Before I went to look at bikes I had to decide what type of bike I was going to get. I had been wanting a full suspension mountain bike, but I don't go mountain biking that much anymore (it takes too long to heal). I also was thinking about a triathlon bike, as you know I am doing my first triathlon this October, but I have no idea if I will like it.

A road bike seamed to be the logical choice, but what type of road bike? I am not a racer, but I want something that I can use in a triathlon or charity ride. I am not a commuter, but I want something a little more upright ( as a fat guy, I have trouble riding in that tight aero crouch), and easy to get in and out of.

I decided on a category of road bike called "Plush". After reading Bicycling Magazine's editors choice article, I decided to take a look at the Giant Defy Advance. I located a dealer (Roswell Bicycles), and went to check them out. At the dealer, the salesman recommended the Specialized Roubaix because it was beefier (salesman speak for "you are a big fat guy").

I test drove the bikes and decided to get the Roubaix. Unfortunately the didn't have any of the XXL frames in stock, and the warehouse only had the test model in my size (always painted a different color). Because Roswell bikes is such a big shop, and because it was the end of the month; the warehouse let them sell the test model (the test model is red this year, thank god, last year it was purple, and I wouldn't have bought a purple bike).

So they ordered me a new bike, and I waited. I remember a Christmas when my parents bought me a new metallic green Ross (Stingray style) bicycle. They had it hidden in the garage, and I knew it. I was so excited, and racked with anticipation. The bike was all I could think of. That is the way I felt for this bike. I felt like a little kid waiting for Christmas again.

Wednesday the bike came in and I made a appointment for Thursday to be fitted. On Thursday I skipped lunch so I could leave early for my fitting (I figured I could pick something up on the way). Unfortunately, because of Atlanta traffic, I didn't have time to get something to eat. No biggie, I could get something before I met up with Buddy at the Silver Comet.

Shopping for new shoes and pedals (I bought Shimano road shoes and Speed Play pedals (that probably means nothing to anyone I know that reads this)), and getting fitted for the bike took a couple of hours. Trying to get someone on the phone from Bank of America to allow me to pay for the bike took another half an hour ( I think they kept me on hold so I couldn't even go down to the local branch and get cash).

After all was said and done, I was running late, and had to rush to get to the Silver Comet (that meant no food) to meet Buddy.

We had decided to do a easy 30 miler (Buddy's easy is my intermediate to hard), but within 5 miles I knew I was in trouble. I was already exhausted , and was having trouble keeping my heart rate (HR) down. I was doing everything I could to stay with Buddy.

Buddy was kind enough to cut the ride back to about 25 miles. At the half way mark we stopped and I ate some power gel. It didn't help much, I was cooked.

We continued back at a good pace. at about the 5 mile mark, some guy passed us, and Buddy looked like he was about to explode. I told him, he could attack if he wanted. With that, Buddy was gone.

Shortly after Buddy attacked the guy, I attacked the guy. I was trying to keep Buddy close, more than attacking the other guy. I used the other guy to press even when I was on the verge of cracking (if I slow down, the guy will pass me). At the one mile mark I was done, my calves were cramping and my HR was in the 170s (my max is 174). I could not maintain the speed anymore. I slowed my pedalling expecting the guy to pass me at any second, but he didn't. Buddy reached the parking lot about 2 minutes before me, and I pulled into the parking lot about 2 minutes before the guy. I had cracked him (yah me) much like Buddy cracked me (booo Buddy).

In the parking lot, we met up with a few friends, and decided to go to Jim and Nick's for dinner (finally, food). I ordered a Pig in the Potato Patch. It is 1 and a 1/2 loaded baked potatoes covered in pulled pork. I was so tired I was only able to eat half of it.

Today I felt drained all day, but I still decided to ride during lunch. I wanted to see how my new bike feels on my lunch time ride as compared to my old bike. The ride started off well. Even though I was tire, I attacked the hills. The roubaix climbed well. I climbed the hill doing 15 to 13 mph (I only do 11 to 8 mph on the old bike). On the decent the roubaix was slower, but felt more stable. On the second lap I went to a low gear and kept my HR low. This bike seams to be made for climbing. On the third lap I was experimenting with shifting (the Ultegra components shift like butta) when I got a flat. Because I haven't transferred everything over from my old bike, I was tubeless, tool less, and CO2less. Luckily I was not phone less.

So far, I like my new bike.

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