Saturday, September 19, 2009


It has been a while, so I will catch you up. I’ve been swimming, running, and riding.

The Saturday of Labor Day weekend I started a new swimming class. I had asked Coach Bob if he could do an intermediate class. One that is more advanced than the Adult Stroke Development class that I took with him before. I wanted a class that focused more on endurance, than technique.

Coach Bob came through. On September 5th we started Adult Stroke Development II class. The first class was just me and Coach Bob, and he kicked my ass. Below is the work out:

Warm Up
1. 50 yards Freestyle
2. 50 yards Freestyle with Pull Buoy
3. 50 yards Freestyle Kick
1. 25 yards Freestyle w/ 15 second rest
2. 50 yards Freestyle w/ 15 second rest
3. 75 yards Freestyle w/ 15 second rest
4. 100 yards Freestyle w/ 15 second rest
5. 75 yards Freestyle w/ 30 second rest
6. 50 yards Freestyle w/ 30 second rest
7. 25 yards Freestyle w/ 30 second rest
6 laps kick (w/ board and fins)w/ 15 second rest between
50 yards Freestyle
Cool Down (Easy)
200 yards Freestyle or Breast w/ 1 minute rest between 100 yards

I continued doing this work out the following Tuesday and Thursday. On Thursday I had a breakthrough, I discovered gliding between strokes. So the following Saturday I kicked ass.

The following Saturday (the one I kicked ass in) we had a couple of new swimmers. One of the reasons I say I kicked ass is that I kept up with, or beat the new swimmers, and they were using fins. The other reason is that I was able to do the whole workout (pretty much the same as above) without any problem. I continued to workout Monday and Thursday, doing the same workout, but cutting down my rest.

This Saturday we increased a bit (but not enough for me to write down the new workout), and added a couple more swimmers. I did well enough to decide I am going to double the above workout distances during my workouts this week. You know what they say, “Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”.

I can’t say I’ve been running a lot, but I did run the KP Corporate Challenge 5K again this year. And, I ran it in 37 minutes and 9 second. That is about 7 minutes faster than last year.

I was going to run the Labor Day 10K Classic, but I missed the registration cut off (they didn’t have day off registration). I decided to do the Share the Road Challenge instead. I decided to do the 50 mile option.

The ride started in Smyna at Atlanta Cycling and ran through Vinings, Six Flags, Douglasville, and Fairburn. This was the longest ride I’ve done on a bike, and it was the hilliest. I discovered I am not in good enough shape to hang with the enthusiasts, but I am in better shape than the recreational riders. That left me in a no man’s land between the two groups. For most of my group ride, I was alone. I finished the 50 miles in 3 hours and 37 minutes (this included a SAG stop for fuel (cookies, bananas, and Gatorade) and a potty break.

Two days later I attempted Kennesaw Mountain again. About 20 yards in, I knew it was not a good idea. I had not recovered from the 50 miler or the swimming. To say I felt weak is like saying the Empire State Building is just a building. I was in my smallest gear in no time. Even as tired as I was, I set my goal as to make it further than last time (1 mile) without stopping. Instead, I made it all the way to the top (I love my new bike).

If you are wondering why the increased activity, well it is only 3 weeks till my first triathlon.

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