Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just a Little Further

When I start my run, I am doing well. I mark how far I’ve traveled with stop lights (in Red); Old Concord, the Naval Air Station entrance road, Pat Mell Rd, and Windy Hill Rd (the half way point). Somewhere at that half way point my focus changes. I’m no longer paying attention to how far I’ve traveled; I'm focused on how much further I’ve got to go.

In order to make it back, I set small goals (in Yellow); Rush Truck, Stop Light at Pat Mell Rd, the street my friend lives on, the Naval Air Station entrance road, the dead rat (This was a particularly good goal. Unlike all the other goals, this one you can’t see until your about to step on it. This keeps you very busy looking for the dead rat, because you don’t want to step on it, and keeps your mind off of how tired and crappy you feel.), the big plane outside the Naval Air Station, The German Bakery (the reason I don’t bring a wallet), the Stop Light at Old Concord, the back way back to my house (it takes everything I have, not to turn down this street (sometimes I don’t have anything)), and the last Stop Light at Austell Rd (the end). These small goals makes the return a little more bearable, by breaking it down to “just a little further” sections.


Anonymous said...

The dead rat made me laugh out loud. Good thing there's no-one at work this week.

peepnroosmom said...

No, you don't want to step on the dead rat. That would be gross. Did you ever find out what the grapefruit died of earlier?