Monday, August 4, 2008

Goodbye Buddy

Buddy passed today. He will be missed by me and all those whose lives he touched (man, women and dog (not cats, he hated cats)).

Buddy With His Friends

Buddy Hiking

Goodbye Buddy


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry John. I know you were hoping to have him around a little longer. He had a wonderful life with you. We'll all miss him.

peepnroosmom said...

I am sorry for your loss. I know he was a good friend to you and you to him. It looks like he really enjoyed his pool. What could be better than a pool, water and many tennis balls?

Anonymous said...

What a great Golden Buddy was and what an excellent floor model for GRRA. I am certain Buddy inspired many Golden Retriever rescue adoptions. He will be missed by everyone who had the pleasure to meet him! He was truly a dog's dog.