Monday, August 11, 2008

I Started Working Out Again

After Buddy passed I started working out again. I’ve heard that exercise helps with depression, so I thought it might be a good idea to start working out again.

On Wednesday I went for a bike ride on the Silver Comet. I am so out of shape that I only did seven plus miles (seven plus sounds so much better than less than eight, even though they mean the same). This was an easy activity with no hills. The purpose was to jump start my training/exercise again.

On Thursday I went for a jog on the Bell Bomber Loop. I didn’t realize how sad I would feel doing this. I hadn’t jogged with Buddy since May and I hadn’t jogged with Buddy on this loop since last year. But, the sadness was almost overwhelming. I came very close to stopping shortly after starting. It felt lonely. I would see a squirrel and I would look to my side to tell Bud to leave it, but he wasn’t there. This was less enjoyable than most runs, and I don’t find any run enjoyable.

On Saturday I went for a walk with my sister and her dog Gretzky. We did three miles.

On Monday I took Allie for a walk before work. She can not do more than a mile with her hips being what they are. So we walk about three quarters of a mile around the neighborhood. I plan on doing this a couple of times a week (depending how she feels).

I also went for a bike ride at lunch. I have mapped out a 2.5 mile loop around work. The first day I only did 2 laps (it kicked my ass), and plan on just doing 2 laps for a couple of weeks, or until the alarm on my heart rate monitor stops trying to make me think I’m about to die (this ride has hills).

1 comment:

peepnroosmom said...

All running kicks my butt.
The Silver Comet trail DOES have hills, no matter what you say. I almost died pedaling up them.